On Finding The Right Course in The Right University for Postgraduate Study

5 min readSep 16, 2016

They say, "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”

I might not the most thoughtful human being, but I do put my mind thoroughly in picking the right course in the right university for my masters study.

Choosing your higher study is one of the most personal thing. At least for me. It was like choosing major for your undergraduate study, or choosing your husband, or choosing your first job. Whatever it is, it will be full of personal preferences. It might not be suitable for everyone, but here’s how I choose mine:

1. CHOOSING COUNTRY (mid 2015)

Story behind:

I’ve always wanted to go to Germany maybe since I could remember, but later I realize I’m playing catch-up with time so I have to manage my time very efficiently to pursue education, career, and marriage in a preferrable, timely manner. Choosing country might not be mandatory upfront, but I choose the one year masters programme that UK offers, so yeah, whatever it is, it must be UK, more or less since graduating college. Not to mention other benefits such as the fact that it’s an English-based country so no need to learn other language, faster adaptation, the most multicultural country beside US, large society of muslim, quite strategic position to go on a Euro trip, etc




  • Masters programme duration
  • Language
  • Multiculturalism
  • Muslim community
  • European country



2. CHOOSING COURSE (end of 2015)

Story behind:

Not an easy pick, it kinda determines the one year you’re gonna spend and it’ll affect the rest of your life. For me, my basic education is industrial engineering, slightly mechanical, also previous job as product manager made me want a wider topics offered within a course, that includes engineering, system, finance, quality, IT, that I suppose would definitely increase my flexibility in my future career, be it in industry or education as a university lecturer. Actually, this is the part where it gets personal the most. It is really really up to you. It doesn’t have to relate to your background, or previous job, or anything. It can be a whole different area of your interest, as long as you can fulfil the requirements (sometimes I see some of them can be very specific about asking candidate’s background, from business, for example)


  • Engineering management
  • Project management
  • Industrial management
  • Industrial engineering

These are the keywords you can put into the course finder


  • Your purpose. I, want to teach in university, preferably in industrial engineering. Also, I’d like to help my soon-to-be husband with his tech startup, not to mention other small businesses I can help with my knowledge.
  • The flexibility, the wide variety of the modules offered is what I am seeking, also a slight additional modules in current digital industry/business would be very great, for me.


Information systems and operations management. Totally out of the alternatives I know right, I found it by accident, not from the course finder. However, I am actually more interested in the operations management area, but with e-business in specific, as I realize the digital industry is growing fast nowadays. This course combination is just perfect.


Story behind:

I spent most of my time in Chevening’s course finder because it is soooo great, it is integrated all around UK, it covers a lot of universities, and it has various filters to choose. Pick the ones closest to your interest, but also consider the rank. I looked for the ranks in QS and THE. At first, I fell in love with what Birmingham offers in its Engineering Management, particularly because it has Organizational Behaviour on its list of modules. I found out that the application costs 50 pounds. At that time I was so sure since I hadn’t found any course that match my interest. Then, I accidentally found Nottingham’s Industrial Engineering and I was distracted by its higher rank than Birmingham and its so-called student city. It was really hard to choose, I had to decide other indicators, such as the living condition and any other things that can help me decide. I also talked to several people who are concerned with my higher study, I also did shalat istikharah. I was really torn apart between Birm and Nott. It was reaaalllyyy hard to choose and finally, I decided to go with Nottingham. Application fee costs 25 pounds. Later on, I read through all the modules again and found myself kinda disappointed by some of them. Most of them were quite similar with my undergraduate study, I wouldn’t want to have any same subject, and the modules I was interested in were mostly optional. I wanted another course that include E-business and Business Intelligence. Right under IE was the Information Systems and I clicked it and found my most admirable course! I looked through the modules listed, it contains the-moatly-optional-modules in IE I want. Apparently, the modules are all available in the school, it’s just put into different categories of mandatory or optional, depends on the course. And just like that, I decided to change my course. Again. But it’s final this time. Actually, I’d like to apply for more than one, but I have to manage my money efficiently. I apply for other, such as Manchester, which is free, but for the paid ones I had to think more thoroughly.


  • University of Birmingham (Engineering Management)
  • University of Nottingham (Industrial Engineering, Information Systems) - both with Operations Management
  • University of Exeter (Engineering Business Management)
  • University of Manchester (Engineering Project Management)


  • Make sure what you really need that can support your future the most
  • Pick the one with modules that suit you the most, the one that you have the biggest interest, closest to your need (well, you’ve gotta be sure first about what you really need, right)
  • Be sure also about the condition of the city (browse for some insights, living cost, the weather, the crime report, the recreation parks, the settlement it offers, community of Indonesians and muslims, the modern lifestyle, anything that you prefer)
  • Consider about the rank too
  • Discuss with some people you trust
  • List all pros and cons
  • And don’t forget to do shalat istikharah


University of Nottingham, Information Systems and Operations Management

So, there it was. Now I’m still struggling with my application both for the course and the scholarship.

Please wish me luck! 🙏

Elaboration from:


